Pause, Breath. Relax. - Enjoy the simple pleasure.

Meet our Sheep


As of 11/15/20
Our Farm is closed

Read below for
more information

Hadley Lamb

Welcome to Black Sheep Farm!

Snow BarnWe have had a great time running a small hillside farm located in the lakes region of New Hampshire. Quietly nestled between Newfound Lake and Mt. Cardigan.

We have had the pleasure of meeting many fine people along the way. From Hay Farmers, 4H Members, other shepherds, butchers, and lamb lovers. Its been a marvelous adventure. We thank those of you who have already reached out to us with your kind words.

Black Sheep Farm Closing

We are very sad to announce that this fall, 2020 will be our last lambing season. Due to an unforeseen non-covid health issue; we have decided it would be best to step away from farming.

We were lucky enough to find a new home for our Ram (Sam) and several of our production ewes. So we feel good about the fact our sheep are still producing lambs for a little bit longer on greener pastures.

It won't be long before we miss the bah's of ewe's in the morning, the cries of the new lambs and of course mucking out the barn. Thanks again to all of you who helped us on our way.